- Research suggests house prices could drop by up to 10% over the next year
- Many house-hunters are now sitting tight for a better buying opportunity
Research undertaken by property tech firm iPlace Global has led to the prediction that house prices will begin to drop by up to 10% over the course of the next 12 months alongside mortgage rates ‘levelling off’ by the time 2024 arrives.
This is in stark contrast to the current situation surrounding properties in the UK, which now have an average price of just over £370,000.
The average fixed-rate mortgage levels do not make for better reading either, with 6.46% for two years and 6.32% for five years.
It’s clear the recent mini-budget has had an extremely detrimental impact on the property market, which is also now manifesting itself as a huge problem to landlords.
It’s believed that over a quarter of all landlords are looking to sell their buy-to-let properties due to rapidly elevating costs, which has the additional knock-on effect of making rental prices even more expensive.
As we move towards winter, it’s apparent that homeowners, renters and landlords are all struggling to cope with the intense volatility of the market as both property and mortgage prices climb to eye watering levels.
The appointment of Rishi Sunak as PM will gradually bring some much-needed stability to the country as a whole, although the popular opinion suggests too much damage has been done for the UK to feel any benefit of this stability in the short to medium term.
This means that first time buyers will likely have to sit on their hands until 2024 in line with the advice now being presented, which is easier said than done if they’re facing the prospect of their rent potentially increasing.
Forget 2023 – 2024 can’t come soon enough for some.
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Landlords could face penalties of up to £30,000 for not complying with the new regulation.

The Government’s ECO4 scheme is funded by energy suppliers and regulated by Ofgem.

Following an investigation by the FCA, a high number of people in the UK are claiming car finance compensation.

With the average 2-year fixed deal almost tripling since December, experts predict more hikes are on the horizon.

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